When it comes down to the characters, just like in Left 4 Dead, you have special infected in Back 4 Blood, each with their own traits and characteristics. Unlike Left 4 Dead however, these special ridden do not get their traits from characteristics the host already had pre-infection.

See, the worms breed and reproduce in water, and that is showcased in how you find a lot more ridden in places with a lot of water: lakes, pools, and even water treatment plants are all infected. The worms also collect a bunch of biomass they use to create nests and special ridden. Overall, the storytelling and world building is solid, but it would not hurt to make things a bit more concise and available. Normal zombie apocalypse stuff happens and now a good chunk of the world is infected, or in this game’s case, “ridden.” On top of that bare-bones explanation of the story, we also get more information about the ridden and the worms themselves.

You have this expedition research team that goes out and discovers a weird worm thing. Turns out that worm thing is bad and when put in some water it lunges out and infects a scientist. Left 4 Dead just goes, “Uh there’s a pandemic and it’s making people zombies, and these guys are immune and have to escape. OK bye!” Back 4 Blood feels like it gives more detail and more lore. Granted it does do the same thing of pandemic, immunity, play game, but I feel like the story is more enriching. Now obviously the best place to start in a video game review is with the story, not the gameplay, and let me say Back 4 Blood actually has an interesting story! Seeing how this game is clearly modeled to be like Left 4 Dead and plays just like every other purely multiplayer game out there, I expected the story to be very minimal. So let us talk about just how good this game is. We had Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, and now we have Back 4 Blood. And after playing it nonstop for God knows how long, I can confidently say where this game stands, at least in my opinion. Half Life almost broke the cycle with Half Life, Half Life 2 (broken up into episodes one and two), and then Half Life Alyx, but that is not exactly the title card of Half Life 3 we all wanted. Then Turtle Rock Studios came along and essentially pulled the same thing.

We had Team Fortress, Team Fortress 2, but no Team Fortress 3. Everyone has seen the jokes and memes about how Value does not have the mental capacity to count to three. We had Portal, Portal 2, no Portal 3.